The Best Strokes of the Brush
Phenyo Saidoo is a young man who has an eye for the arts and frankly the hands for creating inspired artefacts as well. He is professionally a realistic and abstract artist. He has always been an artist ever since his childhood days. He went to pick it up as a career in 2012 and has since been a realistic and abstract artist. He recently got to talk with CW.
What does your work aim to say?
That art is pivotal in life. To say that we matter
How have you developed your career?
Through research, practice and most importantly exhibitions and competitions. Also by stepping out of my comfort zone
What role do you have in society as an artist?
My role is to empower, bring light to certain issues affecting us in the society without being biased. And it to also show that a lot can be done and changed even if you are an artist just like other respective fields
How did you begin with these initiatives? What were the challenges you faced (society, school etc.)? How did you execute and what was your approach?
Collaborations; identify someone for example, one whose opinions people would value and come up with ways to get your point across. The challenging part is that powerful people have hectic schedules and we as Batswana are still slacking on appreciating the creativity field.

Tell us an example of a specific memorable work you did that is very close to you!
There’s a piece I did called “recurrent” which was a series of dreams and visions leading to the final product. However all pieces are memorable really as I put my all in them but it’s one of those that stood out.
Why do you create art? Is it for money? Is it for fame? Is it to fulfil that inner calling or is it to change the world?
I create art to fulfil the calling and to change the world first and foremost, the money and fame are a bonus. Art is powerful and it’s meant to be shared with the world
If you had all the time in the world and unlimited financial means – would you create the same art you create today? Or would you create something different?
I most definitely would. In fact it would be even more aesthetically appealing and have a deeper impact.
What prompted you to take up art in the first place?
I stumbled upon an artist painting and I was hooked from that moment I was mesmerized by art ever since.

Do you think you see the world differently than non-artists?
In a way I do, appreciating the finer things and paying attention to detail
Do you intend for others to “see” and “feel” what you “see” and “feel” in your art? In other words, do you want others to get what you are saying with your art?
Well it comes in two ways, at times you’d want them to see and feel exactly what you want and at times it’s good for them to derive all that for themselves.
Is the end result more important than the process or otherwise? Or are they equal?
Well for me the process is very important, acts as a foundation for the final result (Can either make or break the final result)
What does it mean to be original or unique (referring to art)?
Means one stands out, possesses something that’s different from everyone else and true to them
Contact Details:
Facebook: @BarestainArts
Instagram: @BarestainArts
WhatsApp: +26774292523