Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Relationship 101

What if we treated love, and relationships like we treat everything else?? Meaning you don’t get to be a part of it unless you’re well educated on it…

Like you go to school to learn Math, English and Geography, just so that you can fit into society and function like a normal human being, and not make a fool of yourself…

BUT, When it comes to love they just throw us out there and expect us to make the best of it! NO wonder there’s so many broken hearts, scorned lovers, relationship trauma, NOT lasting long at all marriages, single mothers and fathers. What if there was a school where you could go to and learn the best practices of love and relationships.

How to attract your idea mate so you can avoid wasting time with dead end relationships. How to know when it’s time to say GOODBYE, because you’re not a match and you are better suited for someone else. How to deal with past relationship trauma, and insecurities so you don’t sabotage future relationships. Learn how to treat your mate in a way that makes him/her return the favour without you having to nag, or complain or pretty much get on their dam nerves.

Learn how to be alone when you need to be so that you don’t make the mistake of entertaining the wrong person out of pure loneliness…… Then would there be a LOT of less broken hearts, fewer scorned lovers, longer lasting marriages and family units sticking together not just because of the kids, but because of their LOVE for one another??

By admin

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