Fri. Dec 27th, 2024



This is the woman who has her Confidence in God her Creator.

This is the woman who let God lead her life.

This is the woman who knows she is the Light of the world and she knows that a town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

This is the woman who knows she has to nurture her gift and serve the world with it, to Glorify God.

This is the woman who is eager to learn His ways and knows that,” with humility and fear of God are riches and honor, so she chooses to be humble and fear God.

This is the woman who knows that she knows nothing and is ok with it but rather allows Jesus Christ to fill her up with Wisdom and understanding.

This is the woman who knows she is Loved by the Best, GOD.

This is the woman who knows she is not perfect and is willing to continuously grow in knowledge and understanding to be a better version of herself.

This is the woman who knows her actions affect her and other people. So is willing to choose to do good to have a positive impact on others.

This is the woman who is ready to be humiliated for doing good and is ok with it.

This is the woman who would go to work and bring salary home with no complaints while her husband is still looking for a job after retrenchment or being chased from work or when business is down.

This is the woman who shed a tear when she sees someone hurting or in agony

This is the woman who recognizes other people’s sufferings and chooses to care

This is the woman who is willing to let go off alcohol because it helps destroy herself and those around her. Yes, many fears come to her mind but she gives them no Power over her” fear of boring people when you are not drinking, fear of having a boring life, and yet she does it anyway

“She remembers that she lived without alcohol before and she enjoyed life more then and had peace.

This is the woman who knows that holding a grudge will bring her down instead of taking her up.

This is the woman who is willing to take the right path even though it feels scary to follow, many questions coming and yet be willing to follow where she is led by God This is the woman who will submit to her husband no matter how much he hurt her because she understands that it’s not her husband who says she should submit to him but rather its God who commands her to submit to her husband so she knows if she dares not submit then she is disobeying God. And instead she trusts God to solve everything for her.

 This is the woman who is willing to be obedient to Lord Jesus Christ by choosing to Love even those who hurt her to show that indeed she is a child of God. These are some of the lessons that this One Wise Woman with Power “Mum” taught Me and they are dear to Me.

1. Wise Woman does not repay evil for evil instead she allows God to pay deal with her enemies.

2.She said to me, one way punishment you can give your enemy us to love them more is like you are piling a heap of hot coal unto them.

3. She said when you talk to someone and their wrath is high, keep calm and talk with care that will poor water unto them and cool them down.

4. When you love someone and you see that they keep pulling back, especially those you cannot avoid because they are close to you, just Love them and keep loving them eventually they will warm up to you.

5.She says, “talk to God in whatever worries you face and trust Him completely, He will solve them for You, do not go out and start telling the world about your issues that will open door for evil to come and destroy your life.”

6.Finally she said to Me, “Beware of what you apply to your face my child, if it makes you yellow, when your natural colour is brown, leave it because its destroying your skin do not be deceived by the complexion for the end will be permanent destruction to your skin” and that has Preserved my skin up to now.

What kind of Woman are you? Remember you can always choose to grow and learn to be a Woman with Power? I hope this helped you to realize where you are leaking your Power. CHOOSE

TO CHANGE😊Choose to brighten your day with a Smile!!😊🙋🏻


Written by Lesedi Malindah (Success Life Coach)


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