Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Khama Rhino Santuary, Home To The Black Rhinos And Martial Eagles

Khama Rhino Santuary, Home To The Black Rhinos And Martial Eagles

This is one of the few places in Botswana where you would find a variety of wildlife and natural resources.

Among those are the martial eagles. These are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with heavy heads and beaks. Like all birds of prey, martial eagles have very large hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs and powerful talons. The famous Horned Rhinos, which are also among the wildlife found there, are said to be very dangerous and generally prefer to keep to themselves. Despite that attitude, rhinoceros are no peacemakers and when they feel threatened, they’ll steer their large, dangerous bodies directly towards their target. Both these animals are found at a sanctuary situated in the central district of Botswana 20 kilometers from Serowe Village.

The Khama Rhino Sanctuary is a community based wildlife project in Botswana commonly known for its sanctuary for rhinos as the name says.

Animals are allowed roam freely in the sanctuary and this allows for a spectacular game viewing which is possible from your vehicle along the many roads in the

Sanctuary. For safety reasons however one should remain in their vehicle at all times.

The sanctuary intend on bringing benefits to the community through tourism.

Photo Credit: Tshephang Dilotsotlhe

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