“Every Day Is Love Day For Us” - Maxine
Celebrity World Magazine is privileged this month to have a wonderful couple like M a x i n e Magwape and her husband M b a k i s o Magwape to share with our readers their beautiful journey of love and marriage. This is what they shared:
Kindly take us through your love life, where and when you met. How you kept your relationship spark lit, so much that you ended up marrying each other?
Maxine: We met in the summer of 2011, in varsity. Mbakiso was in his final year, I had just got to the school, and the universe colluded to bring us together. He was kind and charming. There was something different about him.
The spark was kept lit by communication. Making sure you are there for each other, no matter the distance.
Mbakiso: We also keep the spark by doing things together, everyday things, working, playing and praying. Participating in each other’s interests.
Celebrity World Magazine is privileged this month to have a wonderful couple like M a x i n e Magwape and her husband M b a k i s o Magwape to share with our readers their beautiful journey of love and marriage. This is what they shared:
Kindly take us through your love life, where and when you met. How you kept your relationship spark lit, so much that you ended up marrying each other?
Maxine: We met in the summer of 2011, in varsity. Mbakiso was in his final year, I had just got to the school, and the universe colluded to bring us together. He was kind and charming. There was something different about him.
The spark was kept lit by communication. Making sure you are there for each other, no matter the distance.
Mbakiso: We also keep the spark by doing things together, everyday things, working, playing and praying. Participating in each other’s interests.

How do you usually celebrate your valentine’s day?
Mbakiso: We aren’t the biggest on celebrating Valentine’s Day, however I would usually get her something romantic. We try to make every day Valentine’s Day.
Maxine: We don’t need one day to celebrate love. Every day to be honest is love day for us. But he always makes sure he gets me something.
Do you believe in Karma, Soul mates, and Destiny?
We believe that there is God who has our names put together written in stars, and has a plan for us.
What is the difference between love, romance and sex?
Love is a bond which is hard to break, and is formed through time, through patience, and commitment. Romance is felt for a short period of time and fades as beautifully as it comes and sex is a strong physical connection which can lead to or strengthen love, but it’s temporary.
How do you differentiate sexuality and sensuality?
Sexuality is very physical, carnal, it’s of the flesh. Sensuality is of the spirit. It’s a connection between the spirt and the flesh. It’s much deeper than just sexuality.
Between men and women who do you think are more romantic?
Maxine: It’s tough. I’d say women, but my Husband is very romantic so…. *raises hands*

Do you believe in public display of affection?
Maxine: One hundred percent.
Mbakiso: Laughs aloud.
Maxine: I’m not saying do things in public, I’m saying it’s okay to hold hands and celebrate each other.
Mbakiso: Mbakiso nods.
What is the best relationship advice that you have ever gotten? Mbakiso: For me, it’s that love is commitment, meaning you are dedicated to a person. Love is not a temporary thing, love is not moved by how you feel, which changes sometimes.
Can a couple be too much in love?
Maxine: No. There’s no such thing as too much love, or someone being too much in love.
Would you move for your partner?
Mbakiso: We’ve done that before. We would do it again. It worked for us. We dated through many changes, from living in the same area [Block 9, Gaborone], to different Countries with him in Cape Town, and even different regions, with him living in Tunisia North Africa. We made each other feel secure and loved. We decided to settle here.
Should couples have individual or joint bank accounts? Why?
Mbakiso: Both. Couples should save together. They also need to manage their own transactions and financial affairs. You are two separate entities, who co-exist. It’s not practical to have one account you both share. I also don’t want to interrogate her daily about why she bought certain things without account, and vice versa. But if one joint account works well for couples, then they should stick to that.
Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the religion that you were raised in?
Maxine: Yes. We believe in the almighty God. He has gotten us thus far, and will take us further.
What are your political beliefs?
Mbakiso: We are a-political. However we do believe in voting, and ensuring that accountable, and capable leadership is elected.
Where did you spend the holidays?
In the comfort of our home. Mainly on the couch. We also spent the festive holidays with our parents. Stay home is refreshing and re-energizing. We also tried to be without account, and vice versa. But if one joint account works well for couples, then they should stick to that.
Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the religion that you were raised in?
Maxine: Yes. We believe in the almighty God. He has gotten us thus far, and will take us further.

What are your political beliefs?
Mbakiso: We are a-political. However we do believe in voting, and ensuring that accountable, and capable leadership is elected.
Where did you spend the holidays?
In the comfort of our home. Mainly on the couch. We also spent the festive holidays with our parents. Stay home is refreshing and re-energizing. We also tried to be responsible in these COVID-19 times.
How do you feel household chores should be divided? Maxine: Equally. But there shouldn’t always be specific chores assigned to a person. Go with the flow.