“Chabuya Nature was a friend of my cousin, as they were working together. So one day I called my cousin and Chabuya answered the call as her friend was busy, that’s the day Chabuya Nature and Sour Man Bw got to know each other and exchanged numbers” said sour man when he explained of their encounter in the first place.
Since that day Sour Man Bw and Chabuya Nature kept on communicating as friends and that was way back in 2017. The two would later on get to meet up for the first time ever in person one weekend when Chabuya came over to Mmopane to pay her friend a visit.
The couple who went on to make their hit “Skelem Key” happened to be in the creative industry when they met. Sour Man Bw was an upcoming musician who did Tswana Dancehall music and as for Chabuya Nature she was in the acting side of the industry doing drama. They would later go on to work together with Sour Man managing Chabuya Nature and released a song together titled Skelem Key.

However being in love is the most element that promoted their collaboration, they said that they wanted to achieve the same goal as a family. They became lovers before they came into music business. Chabuya Nature, a young lady from Nkange village, is still new to the music industry and this is her first experience with this album which was released two months ago. However Sour Man Bw who is from Kopong, has been in music for a while and he was featured once by CW. The couple went to say that music is like a game of gambling, forth which one can take time releasing some songs that they feel are hits and don’t work for you whereas someone else can come with one song and make millions out of it.
“The story behind this song is all about love as we believe that without love there is no peace in heart, so our main objective on this song was to advise people to find out what their partners love and try to stick on it and use it as SKELEM
KEY OF THEIR RELATIONSHIPS,” the couple said when talking about the hitsong. They also said that the song is at international standards and is trending in social media. The song can be heard playing from everywhere in Botswana and it has become a weekend chill session hit. As of today we have simply come to know about Chabuya Nature.
Chabuya Nature and Sour Man Bw met from different tribes they believed that mother tounge is the simpliest way to express their own feelings. So they made a native Kalanga song but of course with that amapiano beat that people can groove to. They also said that it was to represent their people.