Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Aspire To Be Like: Kate Leboile

Aspire To Be Like: Kate Leboile

What kind of a sport is fencing?
Fencing is a combat sport, whereby two fencers face each other on a six-feet by- 40-feet strip with sword weapon and attempt to touch each other with the tip.

Touches on the instrumented protective clothing are scored electrically.

 When did you start?
I started fencing since 2016.

Which club are you currently under and how long has the club been in existence?
I’m under Musketeers Fencing Club and it’s been there since 2015.

What kind of physical and mental skills can a child develop by practicing fencing?
I love fencing because it can help a child build their strength on so many levels.

How many sports do you know of that can give your child a physical and mental challenge while building their confidence, social skills, and academic future? Sounds almost too good to be true, doesn’t it? But this is exactly what fencing can do for your children.

With its rapid footwork and thrusting, your child will get a high-impact aerobic workout. He or she will build stamina, strength, and coordination. We encourage our students to be aware of one’s body and the awesome machine that it is; adopting healthy attitudes and eating habits. Fencing will instil in your child the idea of treating their body as an instrument and a temple and taking care of it! Fencing is also a terrific stress reliever.

Your child can release their aggression and frustration through fencing in a controlled environment. When they go to the strip, nothing else matters. All problems and worries melt away as they concentrate on technique and strategy. Some of our students say that fencing is their escape from the pressures of peers and school.

Are any of these skills transferable to other sports or activities?
Yes they are especially for a combat/ fighting sport.

 Compared to other sports, how difficult is it to become competent at fencing?
Fencing requires short bursts of strength and speed. It’s a highly tactical sport and is a “physical chess”

What impact does fencing have in your life?
The physical benefits include increased coordination, agility, balance, flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular endurance. The working out increased my alertness and energy, which means that even after working out for three hours straight, I had enough energy to continue my day with close to full productivity. The exercise improved my mental health; I have gained a greater mental agility, which puts a positive spin on my day. It also played a part in improving my immune system, I don’t remember the last time I was sick.

Anything else apart from Fencing?
I’m a fitness trainer and started boxing. Career wise I’m a Business consultant and an Image Consultant.

Why do you think less Batswana have knowledge about the sport? Theory:
Fencing isn’t popular because it doesn’t involve a ball. I don’t think it’s ever going to be a popular spectator sport. We can make minor alternations but you can’t change fencing into what it isn’t.

To get more people fencing, it’s a question of making it more accessible. Most people know of it but don’t know where it is. So I believe if we could get places of training, more coverage and exposure especially for schools management i.e. private and public, we can be able to get schools to make it part of their extracurricular activity and gyms too can take it as part of their classes.

Our vision is to cover all areas in Gaborone, even outside Gaborone to share knowledge and skills regarding the sport. It’s upon us to make the sport popular and known to Batswana.

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