Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

A Tswana Poetic Rapper

He is a Poetic rapper who hails from Thamaga and he is very passionate about his craft which he discovered through his dreams. He has been in the music industry since 2018 and worked along with the likes of Alil Boy and Davedogg. He is currently working on an 8 track album titled “Mmatla sa Gagwe”.

Tell us about yourself
My name is Fredrick Bathusi Pheto, a 27 year old hip-hop artist. I hail from Thamaga. I am of course known to the music industry by the name Fredman.

Tell us about the discovery of your music talent?
My music talent was discovered back in the day when I would just be seating through my thoughts and lyrics would just come to me. At times, lyrics and song ideas would just come through a dream when I was asleep and I would write them down the following morning. I ended up recording my first song that was titled ‘Se sa Feleng’ in which I featured Killar B and Tswaak T. the song was recorded at Vape Studio and I found my singing capability through it.

What inspires you when you make music?
You know talent is just talent. But most of what inspires me in making music is the troubles and the hardships I went through in life. I could not speak out but found therapy in voicing myself through music and also showcasing this beautiful talent of singing as well in the process.

How do you set yourself apart from other rappers with your singing?
I would say, I am different in the sense that my rapping is more of Tswana poetic and at times I do rap.

So which of your songs can you say was your trend setter?
For now, I can say there is really no a song that put me on the map as an artist since I am still an upcoming artist.

How has your reception been?
Batswana have been very receptive of me. They are very supportive and I am grateful for the love they have been showing because it encourages one to push on and do their best.

Is it easy being an artist in Botswana?
It is really not an easy thing as one would expect, especially when you are a new and upcoming artist within the music industry. This is mostly because of lack of support that the big guys in the industry fail to offer. One other thing is the jealousy that fellow artists have towards others.

What hinders you the most in this industry?
Sometimes the producers take too long to have the songs finished as per the given time and that is one big hindrance for some of us. I think the best way to tackle this is having my own studio and produce my own songs.

As a musician which achievements are you proud of?
I am honestly grateful and proud of all my songs, I think they are really good songs and having gotten to where I am today, I am also just proud of that as it is very encouraging.

What does the future hold for you?
There are many things I cannot get into detail with when it comes to my music journey. At the moment I am working on an album with Dark 9t Studio which has 8 tracks, it is called “Mmatla sa Gagwe”.

By admin

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